Saturday, August 30, 2014

What a miracle! Boy survives after running down by a car. Watch the video

Try imagining someone being run down by a car. What would be the first thing that pops up your mind? Maybe blood stains all over the place; a body; or maybe some patrol cars coming over? What about, a ninja move? Or a miracle, maybe? Yes, it can all be a possibility.

This young boy from China unbelievably survived a rather grave accident. Watch the video to see how he did this.

viral video of a miracle boy survives car accident
video source: Youtube

The video was surveillance footage of the Chinese boy getting unharmed even after a car accidentally run him down.  It’s like he did a ninja move or something magical between the car’s wheels as he immediately stood up after the car passed him acting like nothing happened. This incredible incident has been taking its fame in many social hubs today.

Xiao Hao, the six-year old lad who managed to stay alive was playing by himself in the middle of a street in Jining city when a red SUV ran him over. This was according to Shandong TV station, a publically-owned TV station in China. Based on the footage, the incident happened on August 20 at around 10:51 am.

However, the boy still got bruises in his arms. It was noticed by his family so they asked to see the CCTV footage in the block near where Xiao Hao was playing and there they discovered the event. 

Maybe, we can call this a miracle for the boy or a great luck. But this serves as a warning to all children not to play in the middle of the street and to stay safe because miracles will not always be with us.

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