Bench’s denim and underwear fashion show, which is held twice a year, gathers in-demand models and stars from rival networks on one stage. More than the fashion and glamour side, this is also the venue to test who’s the hottest, with charisma, who has the loudest cheer from the audience, who has the most effective gimmick among all.
Well, based on the three of our correspondents on the venue, yes they’re all there, one from the backstage, and two in front of the stage, here are the list of male and female celebrities with the loudest cheer from the audience. Take a look!
SEE: 7 Most Daring (and risky!) Celebrities on Bench/ ‘The Naked Truth’
15. John Spainhour
14. Miko Raval
13. Jeron Teng
12 Joseph Marco / Shaina Magdayao
11. Jessy Mendiola / Rayver Cruz
10. Enchong Dee
9. Ellen Adarna
8. Dominic Roque/ Markki Stroem / Martin Del Rosario
7. Sarah Lahbati / Richard Gutierrez
6. Tom Rodriguez / Dennis Trillo
5. Kathryn Bernardo / Daniel Padilla
4. Coco Martin
3. Kim Chiu
2. Jake Cuenca
1. Paulo Avelino
Let us know if you agree with our picks on the comment section below.
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